Consumer edition active

Danielle Campagne, MD

Spécialités et expertise

  • Emergency Medicine, Wilderness Medicine, EMS



  • Medical School: Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
  • Residency: Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, Fresno


  • American Board of Emergency Medicine

Sélectionner les prix, accomplissements et publications

  • Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians
  • Course Chair, UCSF High Sierra Wilderness and Travel Medicine Conference
  • Prehospital Traction Splint Use in Midthigh Trauma Patients: A Retrospective Review of a Trauma Registry. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock 13:296-300, 2020
  • Emergency medical services and remote medical oversight in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, 2011-2013. Wilderness Environ Med 29(4):453-462, 2018
  • Teaching methods utilized during medical resuscitations in an academic emergency department. West J Emerg Med 19(4):756-761, 2018
  • Hot and cold drugs: National Park Service medication stability at the extremes of temperature. Prehosp Emerg Care 21(3):378-385, 2017
  • Gender at the head of the bed: Does gender bias exist in the evaluation of emergency medicine residents' leadership skills during medical resuscitations? Ann Emerg Med 70(4):s34, 2017
  • Campagne D, Weichenthal L (Eds). Emergency Medicine Board Review. New York, Oxford Press, 2019

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