Bladder and Kidney Infections After Childbirth

Reviewed/Revised Dec 2024
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Postpartum refers to the time period after you have a baby. It's usually considered the first 6 weeks after delivery.

What are bladder and kidney infections after childbirth?

Your kidneys are 2 bean-shaped organs that make urine. Your bladder is a hollow organ that holds urine until you urinate. You can get a bladder infection (cystitis) or kidney infection if bacteria get into these organs after childbirth.

The Urinary Tract

  • Symptoms of a bladder or kidney infection include pain when you urinate or needing to urinate often

  • Doctors treat the infection with antibiotics

  • You’re more likely to get a postpartum bladder infection if you had a catheter (thin, flexible tube) put in your bladder to drain urine before or after you give birth

What are the symptoms of bladder and kidney infections after childbirth?

Symptoms include:

  • Pain when you urinate

  • Needing to urinate often

  • Fever

  • Pain in your lower back or side

  • Feeling sick all over

How can doctors tell if I have a bladder and kidney infections after childbirth?

Doctors do a urine test to check for bladder and kidney infections.

How do doctors treat bladder and kidney infections after childbirth?

Doctors treat bladder and kidney infections with antibiotics. Your doctor may also have you drink plenty of fluids to help your kidneys work well and flush the bacteria out of your body.

Doctors will do another urine test 6 to 8 weeks after your baby is born to make sure the infection is cured.

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