Professional edition active
Chest Compression in Infants and Children

Chest Compression in Infants and Children

A: When 2 rescuers are present, side-by-side thumb placement for chest compressions is preferred for neonates and small infants whose chest can be encircled. Thumbs should overlap if used in very small neonates.

B: Lone rescuers can use 2 fingers for infant compressions. Fingers should be maintained in the upright position during compression. For neonates, this technique results in too low a position, ie, at or below the xiphoid; the correct position is just below the nipple line.

C: Hand position for chest compression for a child.

(Adapted from American Heart Association: Standards and guidelines for CPR. Journal of the American Medical Association 268:2251–2281,1992. Copyright 1992, American Medical Association.)