Reccurent Headaches in a 31-yr-old Woman

Past Medical history

  • Medical history: Polycystic ovary syndrome with subfertility. Prehypertension: Patient was told her BP was 136/82 mm Hg at a routine physical examination 3 mo ago. At that time, she was asked to lose some weight and restrict salt intake.

  • Surgical history: Cesarean delivery 5 yr ago.

  • Medications: Ibuprofen 400 mg tid as needed.

  • Allergies: Penicillin and erythromycin.

  • Family history: 3-yr-old sister died because of a kidney problem (details unknown to the patient). Two brothers are currently being treated for epilepsy. She has no family history of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, or cancer.

  • Social history: The patient has a healthy balanced diet, is a nonsmoker, and occasionally drinks alcohol. She denies any use of recreational drugs. She works in administration. She lives with her husband and two children. Her last foreign travel was 1 yr ago; it was a week-long holiday in Spain.